Author Archives: Magda Kay

Which font converts the best

Which font converts the best? [video]

The choice of a font for your site can determine whether your page converts or not. Think about that for a second: is it possible that you are using the wrong font and killing your conversions? Watch this short video to find out the key elements to ensure that you’re using the right font for…

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Discover 5 Secrets of Human Behavior and how to use them to increase your business - Psychology for Marketers

Discover 5 Secrets of Human Behavior and how to use them to increase your business [video]

In this short video I will reveal 5 secrets of human behavior and how you can use this knowledge to boost your sales or sign up rates. You will discover that a small change to your business can have great impact on your end results. That means, that without much effort, you can significantly improve…

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