Author Archives: Magda Kay

How To Turn Your Passion Into A Profitable Business
Are you tired of your boring 9 to 5 job? Are you ready to change careers and do what you love for a living? I made such a decision a few years ago, and I know very well the challenges that come with it. The excitement is high, but if you don’t make enough money…

My Top 5 Life-Hacks For Higher Productivity And Lower Stress (I can’t believe people don’t know about them)
Whether you’re drowning in the never-ending list of what you still have to do or not is the matter of habits. Those who always seem to get everything done without stressing about it are no different from you. They simply put in practice a few very useful habits, that allow them to stay highly productive…

Want To Stick To New Habits? Here Is Why You Should Forget About Willpower And Try This Instead
You get excited about making some changes. You decided to start a new diet, or learn a new sport – and you can’t wait! You start strong, but after a few days or weeks something happens… The excitement is gone, and you drag yourself to keep up the new habit. Eventually laziness wins and you…

Hate Selling? I’ve Got Something That Makes Selling Easy!
Does selling scare you? Do you feel like you’re losing your strength when you’re trying to sell something? Does your confidence leave you, words get mixed up and all you can think of is to get out of there? Maybe you even think that you’d rather give the product away for free, just please don’t…

Quick Tip For Making Apologising Less Painful
Not too happy about apologising? I understand you. I hate having have to admit I was wrong (yep, I know, it’s all about my ego, but sometimes it’s stronger than me). I realized, though, that there are those relationships that are worth going thru the discomfort and apologizing. So even though I don’t like it,…

Too Much Work? Here Is How To Slow Down And Get Time For Yourself And Those You Love When You’re Crazy Busy
After 7 years of living abroad, I am happily back in Poland living with my Dad. Only that… I don’t really get to see him nor spend much time with him. He is working very hard these days. He comes home late, often needs to work on weekend, and so I barely see him. And…

Made A Big Mistake? Here is What To Do Next
Have you made a big mistake? Are you scared what the consequences will be? Do you feel defeated by it? We all make mistakes, and yes, we all make BIG mistakes from time to time, too. Though it can be a huge hit to our self-esteem (and career), there is a way to recover after making…

Feeling Invisible In Public Events? Get People To Notice You With These 4 Tested Tips
Ever feel invisible? You’re among people but nobody seems to notice you? They don’t pay attention to what you say, don’t acknowledge you and won’t ask for your opinion? Some people have a natural tendency to stand out and get attention. If you’re not one of them, don’t worry. There is a few things you can…

Eliminate The Fear & Discomfort Of Feedback With My Top 6 Tactics
Feedback – as they say – is a gift, but only when given correctly. If delivered incorrectly, it can hurt and discourage the person, instead of helping them grow. So how to properly give feedback? And how to make sure a person doesn’t take it personally but listens to you? Here are 6 tips that…

The Brutal Truth Why You’re Not Making More Money
Are you satisfied with how much money you make or do you feel you have what it takes to make more? Though it is depended on external factors, the biggest difference you can make is when looking at yourself. Are you doing what it takes to make more money? Do you approach money like the rich people?…