Author Archives: Magda Kay

The Most Unnecessary Mistakes People Make On Their Websites

A great website can bring you clients, business opportunities, publicity, money and much much more. Unfortunately, too many people make simple and unnecessary mistakes when creating their websites – and they miss out on all those benefits. What to keep in mind to create a website that will convert? In today’s video you will discover…

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How To Shine In Business – Tips For Shy People

Do you have a dream to share your passion with others, network, build your business and personal brand – but you feel shy? Is it even possible for shy and introvert people to truly shine in business? Not many people know that I am a rather shy person. I don’t feel comfortably in crowds, and…

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Feeling lost about where your life is heading? Here is why it’s actually good news

We are expected to have a long-term plan for ourselves. Since you’re a kid, you should know who you want to become in the future – and hence choose the right schools and internships to get you there. You should have everything figured out. I was told the same. And I tried. I really did. But…

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Don’t let others discourage you: 6 ways for protecting your goals

You have a goal, it excites you, but once you share it with others, they all start telling you how risky it is and that you’d be better of letting go of that idea. It’s easy to get discouraged when people around you don’t support you. When they only see the reason why your idea won’t work…

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Embrace Your Right To Choose Yourself Over What Others Think Or Expect From You

A few weeks ago I was given a choice: suck it up and endure the pain for the next 7 days, or get the courage to walk away from what I did not like. I did the latter, and I’m glad I did. The whole situation reminded me of the importance of putting myself first.…

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11 Habits Outside Your Professional Life That Will Help You Become More Successful In Business

We’re used to reading advice on our business life, and then reading a book on health. Watch a program about improving our love life and going to a seminar on how to be more productive. The problem with this approach is that it separates various areas of our lives: career, love, health, social and personal…

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Forget these BS rules

6 BS rules you were told to follow to become successful – that you should unlearn and forget right now

As children we are like a sponge. Whatever our parents, teachers or older friends told us, we took as truth and integrated it in our own belief system. There wouldn’t be anything wrong with that, if not for the fact that most people operate from a very limited and self-sabotaging system of beliefs. And even though…

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The Only Thing You Need To Do To Achieve Any Goal in Life

“How do you make sure you will achieve your goals?” I was asked this question at my recent workshops in which we spent quite a lot of time discussing goals. It was a very good point. If you spend all that time setting the right goals aligned with your true self and desires, it would…

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How To Be Awesome on Camera

6 Tips for Being Awesome On Camera

Cameras used to make me very nervous. I would turn stiff, unnatural and fake. But not anymore. When I starting Psychology for Marketers I knew that sooner or later I would have to face my old enemy… If I wanted to create a successful blog, and have an online business, then videos were a must. So the…

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6 Ways To Ease The Transition From A Secure, Steady Job Into Your Own Business

Years in a steady job give a lot of experience and knowledge but they also create a comfort zone making it more difficult to take action and start your own business. However, just because it’s not that easy, it doesn’t mean it’s impossible. There are too many great ideas never being realized because of fear.…

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