Category Archives: Customer relationship
Hate Selling? I’ve Got Something That Makes Selling Easy!
Does selling scare you? Do you feel like you’re losing your strength when you’re trying to sell something? Does your confidence leave you, words get mixed up and all you can think of is to get out of there? Maybe you even think that you’d rather give the product away for free, just please don’t…
How To Say No To A Client (And Stay Professional)
Having your own business is one of the most fulfilling things. It gives tons of satisfaction, but.. it also can cause you unnecessary anxiety. Finding the next client can be very stressful. No wonder so many business owners say “yes” to anybody who comes to them with an offer. However, what I’ve realized in my…
Don’t ignore your customers
Some companies invest millions into acquiring a customer, but once they get him, they leave him alone and ignored. Lack of customer care is one of the biggest mistakes any company can do and a sure way to ruin your business. It is no news that selling to an existing customer requires less effort than…
The secret to doubling Customer Lifetime Value
“It Costs Five Times More to Acquire a Customer than to Retain a Customer.” It’s one of the most well known quotes among marketers, and for a good reason. To boost your bottom line look at selling more to your existing customers rather that finding new ones. Or in other words, for the same money…
How to build customer loyalty [video]
How many times have you heard that taking good care and satisfying your customers is the way to build customer loyalty? What if I told you that you should do the opposite? What seems logical, is not necessary how we behave. In the video below I am sharing with you an example of – what…