Category Archives: Recommended books

The Brutal Truth Why You’re Not Making More Money
Are you satisfied with how much money you make or do you feel you have what it takes to make more? Though it is depended on external factors, the biggest difference you can make is when looking at yourself. Are you doing what it takes to make more money? Do you approach money like the rich people?…

How to develop a millionaire mindset?
What’s the main thing that separates the rich from the poor? Ask any of the financially free people, and they will tell you the same: their mindset. As surprising as it seems, rarely any millionaire will tell you that their wealth comes from a great contract they nailed, or an investor they met on their…

How to achieve goals in 12 steps by Brian Tracy
I have recently come across world’s bestselling book on how to achieve goals by Brian Tracy: Goals! How to Get Everything You Want — Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible. It’s probably the most comprehensive book on the subject I’ve read. What I loved about it is how deep into various areas Brian goes to…

5 persuasion techniques from Influence by R. Cialdini
Since its release in 2006, Influence by R. Cialdini has sold in over 2 mln copies. It’s a classic for any marketer wanting to learn more about persuasion and how to use it in your business. The main concept of the book is our automatic responses. Cialdini points that there are certain stimuli that cause in…

How to change a habit
Have you ever tried quitting smoking, exercise more, eat less, read more – but haven’t had much success? We all have habits we’d like to add to our lives as we know they would significantly improve it. And then there are those habits that are sabotaging us, and we wish we could break them. But we all…

Paradox of choice
We all want choices – and we want to have more and more options to choose from. We associate it with freedom, so we fight to keep it. What we don’t realise is that having more choices makes us unhappy and in many cases – paralyses us from choosing anything at all. Despite the common…