Category Archives: Website building

How to write headlines

How to write effective headlines

Your headline is the most important element on your website. It is the first (and often the only) thing that your visitors notice. Whether they decide to read your content or not depends on how effectively you hook them with your headline. This is why knowing how to write effective headlines is one of the…

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How to overcome sales objections

How to overcome sales objections

You’ve worked so hard to create your product. Put so much heart and time. And you know your product is good. You know it will help many people. But… people are not buying it. And you end up wondering why. Here is 7 tips on how to overcome sales objections. Unless we’re talking about chewing…

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Grow your website | Psychology for Marketers

5 things you need to stop doing right now if you want your website to grow

What if you are the one unknowingly sabotaging your website from growing? Remove these 5 bad practices and grow your website in no time. If you ever tried to lose weight, then you probably remember some of the basic rules: stop using sugar, stop eating junk food, don’t eat late at night. By eliminating a…

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Price points | Psychology for Marketers

Pricing Strategies: How “useless” price points increase sales

Setting up additional price points for your offer is one of the most effective pricing strategy in marketing. Price is never an absolute value. It is always perceived. What is $20, for example? To those who earn a lot – it’s nothing. To the unemployed one – a lot. For a car? Nothing! For a…

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Color psychology for webmarketing

Color psychology for webmarketing

Have you ever got stuck with design thinking which color will convert the best? Get your personal cheat sheet on color psychology tips so you’ll never need to spend more than 10 minutes on choosing the best one! Why are colors so important? Because it’s our sight that allows us to make sense of the…

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Loss aversion and how much we hate to lose - Psychology for marketers

You can implement these tips to your site or you can keep losing subscribers every day. The story of loss aversion.

Imagine that one day.. … you’re in the office and you overhear you boss saying he wants to give you a raise of $400/month. How happy would you be to find out about this unexpected gain? Now imagine a different situation. You’re making a coffee when you hear your boss talking to HR manager about..…

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Using Images on Websites

How to use images on websites

Images are one of the most powerful elements on your site. If leveraged right, they can add greatly to building your business. But if used wrongly, they can undermine all your hard work. There are so many benefits and rules for using images. I know it can be quite overwhelming. So I decided to put…

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How to boost your business with videos - Psychology for Marketers

Is your website missing one of the most effective tools to boost your business?

There are many small and easy improvements you can implement on your website to increase its performance. But then there are those that can help skyrocket your business perform. And I’m not talking about redesigning or rewriting your pages. I’m not talking about anything that would require drastic changes to your site. On the contrary,…

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Which font converts the best

Which font converts the best? [video]

The choice of a font for your site can determine whether your page converts or not. Think about that for a second: is it possible that you are using the wrong font and killing your conversions? Watch this short video to find out the key elements to ensure that you’re using the right font for…

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