How To Be Awesome on Camera

6 Tips for Being Awesome On Camera

Cameras used to make me very nervous. I would turn stiff, unnatural and fake. But not anymore.

When I starting Psychology for Marketers I knew that sooner or later I would have to face my old enemy… If I wanted to create a successful blog, and have an online business, then videos were a must.

So the moment came when I stood in front of the camera again.

It’s been over a year since then. Today I record at least one video a week, and not only do I feel comfortable doing it – I enjoy it! The whole process of shooting a video turned from a misery to one of my favorite elements of running Psychology for Marketers.

So what changed? How come I find it easy and enjoyable now? And more importantly – how can you get here, too?

Watch this video to find out:

[Here is the articles on videos I am mentioning] How to use videos for boosting your business >>

And what do you like to do before you stand in front of the camera to shoot a video? Share your tips and ideas below:

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