How To Say No To A Client (And Stay Professional)

Having your own business is one of the most fulfilling things. It gives tons of satisfaction, but.. it also can cause you unnecessary anxiety.

Finding the next client can be very stressful. No wonder so many business owners say “yes” to anybody who comes to them with an offer.

However, what I’ve realized in my experience is that saying “yes” to the wrong client can cause you more anxiety than not having a client.

When I started my business it was because I wanted to do things my way and on my own terms. Was it the same with you?

But when the stress over money kicks in, we forget about it and we jump into any business opportunity we get. Eventually, we again end up working with people we don’t like, again doing things we don’t like, or that we are not as good at as at something else.

In this week’s video I’m sharing with you situations in which I believe you have the right – and in fact, you should – say “no” to a client. This is for both your benefit, and theirs.

I will also share with you strategies how to say “no” so you look professional and ethical, and – you don’t burn any bridges for possible future collaboration.

Your 4-step formula for saying “no”:

1. Thank them and acknowledge them for reaching out to you

2. Say “no” (clearly)

3. Explain why not

4. Show that it’s for their benefit (while making yourself look professional)

Here are the 2 examples of saying “no”:

“Hi Jon. Thank you for your email and your interest in my coaching program. Unfortunately, I am at the maximum load right now and I am not able to accept any more clients at this time. As providing the best quality services to every single one of my clients is my highest priority, it would not be fair to you to accept your proposal at this time.”

“Hi Marry, it was great meeting you the other day and learn more about your goals for your business. From our conversation I noticed that what would help your business the most is not life coaching but marketing strategy. This, however, falls outside of my services. Here are some referrals to help you get started”

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